The Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 organization recognized by the IRS, registered with the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Charitable Trust, and incorporated with the New Hampshire Secretary of State.

You can help in a number of ways.

  • You can become a Supporting Member. With a $20.00 donation you will receive a membership card and window decal that you can display showing your support.
  • You can join us during one of our events motorcycle ride, golf tournament, or our annual awards night banquet. These events are as much for the camaraderie as they are for fundraising.
  • You can use
  • Or you can make a donation.

Ways To Support The Foundation

The Board of Directors is made up of volunteers and there is no personnel overhead. You can help in a number of ways.

Make a Donation in Memory of John Curran

First President of NHPFEF


General Donations To NHPFEF

Your donation helps us get funds to the first responders and their families in need in New Hampshire.


Become A Supporting Member

With a $20.00 donation you will receive a membership card and window decal that you can display showing your support.


Join Us
For An Event

You can join us during one of our events motorcycle ride, golf tournament, or our annual awards night banquet.